Tuesday, November 26, 2013

23 Week Pregnancy Update

Oh boy, if time flies this fast until delivery I'm not sure what I'm going to do!  It's been three weeks since my last post!

We have been SO busy lately.  We have been working on creating some bookshelves for our TV room.  They are going to be H.U.G.E.. like.. really huge!  I'm talking 52"x88" huge.  They have been so much fun to put together though!  My husband and I really do make an awesome team, he's the woodworker and I'm the painter/stainer/detailer/decorator.  He's also got the muscles, and me, not so much.  I will make a post about it when it's finished, but here are the backboards of the shelves.  Love.  We wanted them to match the mantle, so we picked a stain by Varathane called Cognac.  They are pretty close!  This is also the color that we did the pub table top with.  The frame of the shelves will be black. 

In addition to these shelves, I have been shamelessly working to finish the drawer fronts of our platform bed as well.  You know that bed that we made a frame for in APRIL of this year?  Yeah... it's still not done!  That's what happens when you start a million projects at once :)  I've also been hard at work getting our spare bedroom done (paint, new outlets, new trim) before transferring everything from the baby's room into that room.  THEN I can start on the baby's room.  Whew!!!  All in just four months, can you believe I'm 5 months pregnant already?!?!?!??!

Still feeling great!  My bump seems to have like disappeared in the last couple of days.  I'm not sure if she's laying a different way or what, but I can button my pants now!  I had to buy some clothes this weekend that would allow for growth, but I'm wearing my jeans to today so I'm not sure what's going on.  I feel like I look more pregnant on the weekends, is that weird?  Maybe it's just because I eat more then...

As far as symptoms go, I've had a bloody nose a couple of times this week, along with a couple of other TMI things that I probably shouldn't talk about on here :)  Nothing alarming though.  I had my 22 week appointment last week and found out that I'd gained 7 pounds in 6 weeks.  The Doctor said that was good because I'm now at the weight she wants me to be at, but not to gain 7 pounds every month from here on out.  I agreed.  I don't want to gain 30 pounds in four months, but if it happens, I'm sure it's because my body is holding onto it for a reason.  Below is a picture of me today at work, five months pregnant. 

I'm no longer craving milk, but I'm craving hot chocolate (notice Starbucks cup in photo)!  I have to have it every day.  Well, I guess that's still a form of milk... I usually crave it around this time of year though so who knows. 

Well, that's pretty much it for the last couple of weeks.  Looking forward to Thanksgiving, I hope you all have a great one!


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

20 Week Pregnancy Update and... Gender Announcement!

I'm officially half-way in my pregnancy!  I can't believe it's gone by so quick.  Seriously only have 4.5 months left..... ahhh!!!!!  Nesting mode here I come!

So our long awaited anatomy scan appointment was yesterday.  It was a lonnnnnng appointment, and a long day at that.  We got there at about 2:00 (talk about a dragging day at work!), and didn't leave until about 3:30 or so.  The ultrasound tech took a TON of pictures, measuring everything from our baby's hands and fingers, to the four chambers of the heart.  I am happy to say that they said everything looks healthy! 

Since our plan was to not find out at the appointment, but rather later at dinner, we asked the Doctor to place the gender inside of an envelope.  From there, we decided to drive to our favorite Work-n-Wear store for one of our famous construction shirts.  There is a story behind the shirt that I will blog about soon :) 

So, it was a little awkward, but right as we walked in we told the cashier our plan.  We told her that we were going to pick out two shirts; one blue and one pink.  We then gave her the envelope and told her that since we didn't want to know until dinner, we would hand her the shirts and she would then put either the blue or pink shirt in a box based on the gender determined in the envelope and we would blindly pay for our purchase.  She and about every other girl in the store let out a big "AWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." 

We then drove back to town and had dinner at a restaurant near our house.  Mind you, this is like 3 hours after being handed the envelope that had our baby's gender in it.  PAINFUL I tell you.  I just wanted to know!  We get to the restaurant, decide to then wait until we order our food, and THEN open the box... So... it's a...

GIRL!  :) :) Also, below are some of the photos from the ultrasound.  She is definitely going to have some long legs like her mama!  For most of our appointment she was actually in the shape of a V with her legs up by her head.  I guess we should get her enrolled in infant gymnastics...

Symptom updates... the only weird symptom lately I have had was waking up to a bloody nose this morning.  Other than that, all is well!  Crossing my fingers for a painless 20 more weeks :). 
