Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Baby Shower #1

I had an AMAZING baby shower a couple of weeks ago.  Amazing hardly describes it, but I feel so lucky to have such amazing people in my life!  Almost everyone we invited was able to come, except for the out-of-towners, which ended up being around 26 adults and 4 little ones.  It was great to see family, old and new girl friends come together all in one spot.  I hadn't experienced that since our wedding day!

I couldn't have done any of it without my Mom and Sister-in-Law planning it, and of course my friend Angie for taking tons of great photos!  They really outdid themselves with the tasty food, Pinterest-inspired decor, and fun baby shower games.  It was truly a day that I will never forget! 

**Mommy- and Daddy-To-Be**

**The Shower**


**The Aftermath**


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