Wednesday, December 11, 2013

25 Week Pregnancy Update

I'm definitely starting to feel very "pregnant."  I thought it would be fun to write about some of my recent experiences:
  • It's becoming harder for me to get off the couch, I find myself having to rock myself up. 
  • Bending over to tie my shoe is laughable (that's it.. pedicures are a must from here on out... I'm not even going to embarrass myself!)
  • My skin is SO dry and SO itchy!  I can't slather on enough cocoa butter or Bio Oil.  But it's such a relief when I do. 
  • Whoever said your hair is supposed to grow faster/thicker when pregnant, is a liar!  Well, at least it's not that way for me.  I've been losing my hair for the past two years, and nothing has changed. 
  • I'm feeling her kick more and more.  I think I even felt her roll the other day.  I especially notice it at night when my tummy is full from eating that day.  She tends to kick a little more when I'm laying down on my back (yes, I know I'm not supposed to do that...).  
  • I gained a total of 15 pounds in 6 weeks (up until 19 weeks, I hadn't gained anything).  I know that's okay, but I have 15 weeks left.  If I continue on that path I will have gained 45 total during my pregnancy!  Time to slow down on the hot chocolate I suppose. 
  • I'm not peeing as much as I was because I think she has ventured upward in my tummy a bit, but I'm still getting up in the middle of the night at least once.  I'm still sleeping like a champ, but notice that around 4:00 I'm wide-eyed and bushy tailed.  My poor husband has to deal with me tossing and turning for that last hour or so of sleep before work. 
  • Bloody noses, still getting them.  Well I guess I've only had three total now, but I notice whenever I blow my nose it's full of blood.  I always have a tissue on me now because I'm not risking the embarrassment of a random bloody nose again.
  • I have a small linea negra (the darker line that typically goes from pubic area to sternum on pregnant women), but mine is only below my belly button at this point.  Speaking of belly buttons, mine is on its way outward.  My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I know I wasn't able to see that much of it in the past!  Oh how many changes your body goes through during pregnancy...
  • I have ONE pair of jeans that still fit, they are stretchy skinny jeans so I'm not sure that they count as "jeans."  They are definitely on their way out, however.  From then on it will be leggings and long sweaters, and long maxi skirts.  I can't find long maternity pants for the life of me (um.. and where are all the maternity stores?  I don't think they exist!). 
I have my 25 week appointment later today.  I'm a little nervous for some reason, as my friend who is about as tall and has a smaller tummy like me, had to get an emergency ultrasound because she wasn't growing at a normal rate.  I know everyone has a different situation, but we'll see.  It makes me feel better that I've been feeling her kicks.

At my last appointment I was given this sugary drink that I have to drink within an hour of my appointment today.  I have to consume it in 5 minutes, which isn't so bad but it has 50g of sugar.  eek.  I hope it tastes good!  They will be performing a glucose test to make sure that I haven't developed gestational diabetes. 

At 25 weeks, she is 14 inches long (from head to rump) and 1.7 pounds.  Her body parts are becoming more proportional to each other this week, and her baby fat is continuing to fill in her skin.  Hair is growing, and is developing texture and color.

Other news, we bought a crib last weekend!  It's so purrdy!!!  We went with the Sorelle Verona with a changing table to make the best use of the small bedroom.  I'm thinking pink walls... but I'm not positive right now. 


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