Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sleeping In? What's That???

The title of my post pretty much sums it up.  Sleeping in no longer exists when you have a baby.  Blakely sleeps from 7PM-5AM on the DOT.  Sometimes she can go back down after a bottle in the morning, but that messes with her naps for the day and I usually don't want to have to deal with that.  So, here I am, on a Sunday morning when most normal people are sleeping in until 9, and I'm writing a blog post and running to the aid of my child every time she rolls into something potentially dangerous.

Aside from having a baby, house projects are sort of on hold right now.  We are trying to build up our savings to buy a new car, as Tommy now drives my car in to work since he has a longer commute, and I'm stuck with his gas guzzler of a truck.  Once we get that figured out, we do have some aspirations for the inside like painting all of the main walls, putting up new trim, replacing our roof, new flooring.... and then hopefully we can save again :)  Owning a house can definitely be a money pit at times- this year was one of them for us.

I have done a few "cheap" projects over the last few months, however.  I can't completely go cold turkey, that's just not my style :)

Pinterest spray painted wine bottle project

 Bench that Tommy built

Dining room table refresh

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