Saturday, October 5, 2013

I'm Pregnant!!!

Yay!  Not only am I a wifey, I'm going to be a MOMMY!  Today's the day I made my pregnancy announcement and it FEELS SO GOOD!  That was the HARDEST secret to keep from the world, but I did tell close friends and family. 

I would have loved to have made a post about every week up until now, but I was SOOOOO sick that I feel it would have just been about migraines.  And you would get sick of hearing about that :)  Hopefully from here on out I can do an update each week and there will be something new and interesting that I can blog about. 

So, here is my 1-16 week update. 

I found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks.  I took 4 pregnancy tests that day, each with a VERY faint positive line, so I didn't know if that meant I was pregnant or not.  With each test the line did get a bit darker, but it still was pretty faint.  Apparently it's not possible to get a false positive, either that or it's very rare.  I guess I just couldn't believe it!  I text Tommy the morning I found out saying I had something really important to tell him later.  We were both working so I'm sure he was anxious that day, as I made him wait 8 hours to find out the news.  I drove to the gym after work and had him meet me at my car in the parking lot.  I handed him the tests and he was pretty shocked.  Let's just say our workout  at the gym that day included a lot of looking at eachother in the mirror in disbelief.  But of course excitement :)  I worked out extra hard thinking I was never going to be able to work out again.  LOL, I guess you never know, right?   

Since that day I have only been to the gym TWICE.  I have been SOOOOOOOO sick.  I've battled with migraines for 6 years, and since about 8 weeks on I've had a headache everyday.  Some of them turn into migraines, but nonetheless, having any sort of headache suuuuuucks.  The only kind of painkiller I can take is Tylenol, and for those of you that have experienced a migraine, Tylenol doesn't do a thing.  There were three days where I didn't get out of bed at all.  Tommy was out of town and I had only told our parents, so it's not like I could call anyone to complain to.  LOL.  I think out of those three days I only got up to get a glass of milk and use the bathroom.  Periodically since I've had a few bad ones that keep me from going to work.  It's no fun using my vacation days to sit at home and puke in a toilet 

The only other weird side effects have been slight vision impairment, but it's only happened twice.  One day at about 10 weeks or so I lost my peripheral vision in my right eye, and another day recently I couldn't focus on the words that were on TV.  I got really dizzy and had to lay down.  

I can't say it's been awful, but it hasn't been pleasant, those 1-16 weeks :)  I'm really hoping and praying that now that I'm well into my second trimester the migraines will subside a bit and let me enjoy some of this! 

So far, no baby bump.  Just some bloating towards night time, and then I wake up and it's gone.  I'm still floating around 137-139 pounds, which is what I weighed at the beginning.  The Dr. recommended at our last appointment that I gain 9 pounds by our next appointment (October 16), but I don't think that's going to happen.  I think I'm just one of those freaks that can eat anything and it disappears into thin air.  Sometimes I wish that I could gain just a little bit, at least in my tummy area.  I want to LOOK pregnant, especially for what it's put me through up to this point!   It's really ironic if you think about it, you feel your worst at the beginning when you're NOT showing, and you feel your best when you are. 

No other major updates at this point.  I really just wanted to post SOMETHING about my news.  :) 


1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Sunny! Yeah, the morning sickness will make anyone not enjoy the first trimester of pregnancy. As for the second trimester, you are most likely past the vomiting. This time though, your baby is growing, so expect the irritating itchy stretch marks and skin pigments. My advice is to keep your skin moisturized. It will not prevent them, but it will help it fade in time. Elli @
