Monday, July 7, 2014

Dining Room Table Facelift

I decided our dining room table needed a facelift this weekend (I'm kind of over the whole "paint everything black" phase). BB was sleeping and I was itching to work on something other than folding clothes and the ritual weekend chores.
We actually got this table one day as it was sitting at the top of my parents driveway for free. We threw it in the back of Tommy's truck and it's been with us ever since.
Inspiration for the facelift came from a photo of a kitchen of a house for sale up the street. I've been DYING to try it out. I mean, the table was free to begin with, so why not?

I took out my orbital sander and loaded it with 220 grit sandpaper and sanded the finish down until I achieved the look I was going for. It turned out EXACTLY the way I wanted it to! I had some troubles with the top coat but I think I finally got it to look right. First I wiped on two coats of poly with a sock... it was too streaky so I decided to use spray on poly instead.. nope... now it looked spotted! Also, spraying poly on usually leaves the surface a bit rough, so before the next coats I used steel wool to rub the grit off. Next, I put two very light coats on using a foam brush, and wa-lah! Perfect. At least I know the table is durable, right? :)


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