Tuesday, June 18, 2013

{DIY} Armoire Makeover - Spray Paint and Glaze!

I've had this piece for a while now.  I actually got it for free from my old roommates friend.  I told her I liked it and she said I could have it- if only it always worked like that!

So, when I got the armoire, it was green with a bunch of intricate designs all over it.  Since I had (well.. sort of still do) an obsession with black, that's what I painted it.  I did a horrible job, as I am impatient at times and just wanted it to be done.  (Yes, my bathroom was purple, for about a week- awful).   

Armoire before makeover

So, I guess my new obsession is red.  It seems to be a good color for our new house (red, black, and tan hues).  I decided to spray paint it since it isn't a piece that will get much wear and tear. 

List of Supplies:
  • Rustoleum Painters Touch 2x Ultra Cover Paint+Primer in Colonial Red (I used 2.5 cans)
  • Black paint (I just bought a sample size in black)
  • Behr Faux Glaze (next time I will use clear glaze, this one was sort of milky)
  • Paper towels
  • Plastic gloves
  • Plywood
  • Sandpaper or sand block
  • Plastic cup (red solo cup!)
  • Chopstick (for stirring :))
Step 1: Take your piece into a well-ventilated area and set on top of a piece of plywood.  I just moved mine into the driveway.  Make sure it is clean.

Step 2: Start spraying!  I ended up using two and a half cans of spray paint.  Let it dry for a couple of hours, and then move into a covered area, like a garage. 

Armoire after two coats of spray paint

Step 3:
Sand edges.  I didn't sand every edge, only because I didn't want it to look perfect.  The whole armoire is full of imperfections so this worked out nicely.

Step 4: Mix 1 tbsp. black paint with 3 tbsps. glaze in a plastic cup.  Stir with the chopstick or something else you don't mind having to throw away.

Step 5: Put on your gloves and wipe the glaze all over with a paper towel.  It will look messy.  Do it in sections. 

Step 6: Now wipe off the glaze using a damp paper towel.  The glaze will stick in the crevices and sanded edges, giving it a somewhat distressed or antique look. 

Sanded edges with black glaze applied

Step 7:
Wait for the glaze to dry!